Dienstag, 23.04.2024 09:25 Uhr

An international conference concerning Mongols in Florence

Verantwortlicher Autor: Carlo Marino Rome/Florence, 10.12.2018, 08:47 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Kunst, Kultur und Musik +++ Bericht 7145x gelesen

Rome/Florence [ENA] An international conference, funded with support from the Lila Wallace-Reader’s Digest Endowment Fund and other important scholarly programs and publications funds, is taking place today in I Tatti - The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies Via di Vincigliata 26, 50135 Florence, Italy +39 055 603 251 info@itatti.harvard.edu There is an ever-more great interest in the Mongol period as a

as a historiographical turning point above all with the increasing interest in global history and art history. Less than two hundred years continued the so-called Pax Mongolica but both the size and the scope of the Mongol empire were unique. The aim of this conference is to examine attentively this historical turn, and to explore the Mongol high-impact and legacy in the early modern world and in contemporary histories. What is at stake for instance in framing the Mongols as heralds of modernity? What are the rewards and limits of taking the Mongol moment as a decisive case for the project of global history or art history as a whole, and what does the Pax Mongolica model offer that is distinctive from examples in later colonial periods?

At its fullest and considerable extent, the Mongol states declared themselves entitled to territories from Hungary to Korea, and they reshaped the basic zones of Afro-Eurasian trade and contact. People, objects, and ideas traveled across Asia, Europe, and into Africa, in a movement that has been outlined as the first step in an accelerating global modernism based on circulation of goods and capital: what is called today as globalization. http://itatti.harvard.edu/sites/default/files/itatti/files/mongolsprogramme.pdf

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