Samstag, 27.07.2024 09:00 Uhr

European Aquatics Championships 2024

Verantwortlicher Autor: LEN Media Belgrade , 31.12.2023, 15:13 Uhr
Presse-Ressort von: Axel Schmidt Bericht 4984x gelesen
Belgrade  Bild: LEN Media

Belgrade [ENA] European Aquatics is pleased to announce that the next edition of the European Aquatics Championships will take place in Belgrade, Serbia, on 10-23 June 2024. The flagship event will feature artistic swimming, diving, open water and pool swimming during 14 days of competition.

The flagship event will feature artistic swimming, diving, open water and pool swimming during 14 days of competition. It is scheduled with the intention of providing athletes from across the continent with the perfect opportunity to further their preparations for the Olympic Games. For some it will serve as a final major chance to achieve qualification targets for Paris 2024, whilst it shall also present other competitors with key development opportunities. The sport disciplines will take place in the following order: •10-13 June Open Water Swimming •10-14 June Artistic Swimming •17-23 June Swimming and Diving

The swimming competition extends until the 23 June, which is precisely the end of the qualification period for the Olympic Games in Paris. European Aquatics is also delighted to reveal that masters athletes will have the opportunity to compete in the same venues following the conclusion of the elite championships. Those events are due to take place between 25 June and 5 July 2024 for all disciplines including Water Polo.

President Antonio Silva said.

“On behalf of European Aquatics, we are delighted to announce that the European Aquatics Championships will take place next year from 10-23 of June, prior to the Olympic Games. With the geopolitical challenges Europe is currently facing, it has been a real challenge to find a new home after the postponement of the event in the original host city of Kazan. I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to the Serbian Swimming Association, led by President Boris Drobac, and the Serbian Government for its outstanding commitment and support, as well as to colleagues from the European Aquatics Bureau and Office who have worked tirelessly to ensure that this major championships could take its place on the 2024 Calendar.”

1st Vice President Josip Varvodic said.

Thank you Serbia, on behalf of European aquatics and myself, for appreciating the importance of this event and taking on the task of organizing a European Aquatics Championships with just six months’ preparation time. I have to specially mention my bureau colleague Vanja Udovicic, one of the best waterpolo players of his era, who recognized the importance of this event for European Aquatics and gave his unconditional support.

Having won gold medals in waterpolo at the last two Olympic Games, Serbia has a deep appreciation for aquatic sports, as well as top athletes, and we can look forward to seeing them compete at the upcoming European Aquatic Championships on home ground. It remains for me to invite everyone to join us from 10 June until 5 July in Serbia, a country that loves and values sport, to enjoy a month full of thrilling aquatic competition.

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